Wednesday 22 February 2012

Wednesday Afternoon

I didn't take too many pictures today, in comparison with other days. There were less people around. But the light later on in the afternoon was magnificent. Golden brown. Perfect for taking nice pictures in.

First up today, Bonnie:



First of many Ari pictures today:

Ari and Bonnie, with a bit of passing smoke in the background:


"Boy, this is really embarrassing...". Poor Harry, manhandled like a sack of spuds:

Yoda, Ari and Zach:

Johns' gang:

Yoda and Zach:

"How to hypnotise dogs in one easy lesson...":

Yoda decides it's time to go home:



Here's the first shot taken in that magnificent golden light I was talking about before. Megan:

All the rest of the pictures are of Ari, because everybody else left and it was just me and him and the golden sunlight:

Somewhere along the way, Ari picked up a friend:

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